Friday, November 13, 2009


I am at lost on where to head to in my see..
being an architect never been on in the list of my report cards since standard 3( the future planning yada yada). I've written doctor, scientist and even a tailor - and at one time a teacher becoz my teacher always get presents during teachers' day (xikhlas btol)

I've sort of discussed about architecture before...and here I quote a respond to that;
"to me, what i look for in an architect is their ability to design/build to people's needs. The aesthetic value comes second"- u know who u r
 I, for a long time have the same reasoning which have quite a negative impact in my learning - a cup must be empty to be filled, desho? 

but i keep saying i can't do this bcoz it's expensive...i can't do that becoz it's ornamented...blablavla

It is not wrong and it is not very right as well. I've listened to a lecture cd (mintak kt RMITIS) on the BASIC of Islam - they usually talk about science and all...but to my surprise (surprise laa jgak sbenanye), the unknown speaker said when you see a great architecture (eg:Aya Sofia, Cordova Mosque, Blue Mosque and all the grand ones during Islamic rulings), you will start to wonder how a man can create something so complicated, or something so beautiful or grand or wonderful, the architect must be a great architect -

 I love The Great mosque of cordoba

and when you compare with Allah's creations that are far mooooooore complicated, much much much more beautiful and sometimes no word can describe them - you'll learn how much much much (infinity) GREAT ALLAH is...given that you have an open heart and open mind, insyaAllah...

many disregard the magnificent sky above us...
but just think, how do u build an endless ceiling without beams, pillars or walls?...
with the sun, the moon and stars hanging without strings!

 And by the heaven and Him Who built it [91:5]

I've change my perspective's not bad to impress people you know...-if I keep going only with cheap and simple designs people will start to think that Islam teaches us to be cheapskate - oh maybe not...i dunno... 

see how islam is adaptable to any kind of people, economic level, situation...if you have to put a word for 'islamic architecture' then it is 'Adabtable'...not really flexible as some flexible is like u can bend them with pressure or something...but adaptable is more like suiting to one situation - again I'm bad with words...or maybe they both share the same meaning...

shrug again...4 years of tarbiyah and 4 years of architecture still only provide me with little knowledge - the more u learn the more things u don't know... 

Rabbi ziddni 'ilma...
My Lord, increase my knowledge
(rabbi ziddni taqwa, juge)

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